Racial Relations Survey
The Racial Relations Survey covered the topic of racial discrimination within schools, communities, and the nation as a whole. It was distributed to the students of Medford High School, and it asked questions concerning their opinions and beliefs about the presence and issue of discrimination in their life. The survey was made in conjunction with the Black Student Union of Medford High and the NAACP, which is an organization devoted to ensuring political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights for all people and to eliminate race-based discrimination. The purpose of conducting this survey was to identify the presence and extent of racial discrimination in the lives high schoolers. Although the students of Medford High take pride in being in a progressive and accepting school, it is still extremely important to understand the concerns and opinions of high schoolers within our community. This survey was also intended to have high schoolers reflect on important issues present in our country, and afterwards motivate them to get involved in topics that they are passionate about. The results of the survey were used by the Mystic Valley Branch of the NAACP.
The survey can be found here
Project done by Megan MacGilvray and Julia Galebach