DECA Finalists

Two DECA (Distributive Educational Club of America) student members, Hunter Tognarelli and Michael Sanchez, have earned the right to represent MPS at DECA National / Internationals Stock Market Challenge Competition

Under stringent on-line Stock Market Challenge Competition simulation rules, Hunter and Michael were challenged to create a flexible investment portfolio strategy comprised of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to sustain live market conditions for the 4Q of 2016, with an initial investment of $125K. (Think about everything domestically and globally occurring during the 4Q of last year!) The top 25 Regional teams earn the right to compete at DECA Internationals with a written investment strategy paper and a 15 minute oral presentation to leading financial professionals in the investment industry.

The “seed” for this program was started last year with CCSR funding and the applied learning culminated this year with this major accomplishment. Our team finished 16th out of 1754 teams in the Northeast Region (300 HSs) with only two other MA HSs qualifying. What’s significant regrading this accomplishment is not only that they’re sophomores, BUT MTHS was the only Technical School in the State to receive this distinction. Michael & Hunter will be recognized with awards at DECA States Competition in March, and we now have the opportunity to compete against the 4 United States’ Regional qualifiers along with China, Canada, Germany, and Australia at ICDC – International Career Development Conference. If you see, or teach, Hunter or Michael, please join me in sharing this accomplishment.

DECA is a comprehensive 21st Century Skills Leaning Program of which Medford had a Chapter 30 years ago! Similar to the SkillsUSA Program, DECA is a premier High School Business Program for schools with comprehensive business curriculum focusing on 4 major career pathways – Business Management & Administration (Entrepreneurship), Finance (Personal Literacy), Hospitality, and Marketing.