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Coin Challenge and Keep Our Mail Carriers Safe

CCSR students Ronan Davis and Devon McCarry are working together to oversee a school-wide “Coin Challenge” to mostly benefit Boston Children’s Hospital. A small amount of the contributions will be used to support Adam Costello and Savannah McLaughlin’s project, “Keep Our Mail Carriers Safe” also. They plan on purchasing a safety whistle for each of the seventy mail carriers in the city. Adam and Savannah never want to see a repeat of the horrific 2023 Halloween attack of an innocent postal carrier.

Each class received a large see-through collecting bottle today. These jugs will be centrally located in your child’s classroom until April 4th. On a completely voluntary basis, students can deposit loose change (No paper money, please.) for these two good causes. Each class will be in a friendly competition to see who can collect the most coins. The top three classes will each receive a handsome Certificate of Achievement. Thanks for consideration.

Savannah McLaughlin and her classmate, Adam Costello from the Brooks Elementary School were featured on channel 25 news last night. Here is the link: https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/blow-this-whistle-medford-5th-graders-equip-70-postal-carriers-with-safety-whistles/NLQRDISS2VC3RNWP5TSISYUHS4/

Dear Medford Letter Carriers,
My name is Savannah McLaughlin along with my classmate Adam Costello. We’re fifth grade students from the Brooks Elementary School on High Street. We both learned about the terrible attack on one of your coworkers this past Halloween. I live in the neighborhood where the assault took place. I saw all the news trucks and reporters at the end of my street while my friends and me were trick-or-treating. I didn’t know why they were there, but I remember being excited to have a chance to be seen on T.V. It wasn’t until the next day that I was told what happened. Adam heard the news by overhearing some students talking about it in school. We both felt so sad for the victim and so angry with the cowardly attackers. They had no right to put a finger on him. Mail carriers are very important and deserve to be treated with only the highest degree of respect. He was just doing his job, delivering our mail.
We’ve been told there has been a rise of attacks on postal workers. We want this to stop! Luckily, we’re members of our school’s “Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility.” It’s a district-wide after-school program that’s dedicated to making the community and the world a better place to live. Each year students are asked to think of a project that will help people and make a positive impact. We decided on trying to help Medford’s letter carriers feel safer. We were first thinking of suppling you with pepper spray or tasers, but after some teacher guidance we thought it best to go with safety whistles.
First, we co-hosted a school fundraiser at the Brooks to raise enough money to provide all 70 of you a neon orange whistle. The emergency whistles have an adjustable reflective lanyard and can emit high and low frequency sounds. If you ever feel unsafe on the job, blow on this whistle. Hopefully, help will come quickly or the danger will leave quickly.
We hope you find this gift useful. Please always know we appreciate and care about you. Thanks for serving Medford.
Adam and Savannah

CCSR Student Leaders: Ronan Davis, Devon McCarry, Adam Costello, and Savannah McLaughlin