Portfolio tag: Brooks 2017-2018

Medford Rowing Fundraiser

Medford siblings Orlando (McGlynn Middle School 6 th Grader), Delilah (Brooks School 5 th Grader), and Isabella Putnam-Bagley (Brooks School 1 st Grader) are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They are working with the Medford Rowing board on a fundraiser raffle to benefit Medford Rowing. The siblings have been out and about securing many local business donations for the raffle. They are also collecting signage of the generous businesses to display at the Mayor’s Cup Regatta raffle booth. The Cup is sponsored by Medford Rowing and will be held on May 19th.

Homeless Supply Drive

Brooks School 4th graders Travers Moodie and Benjamin Tuco are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They started a Homeless Supply Drive to benefit the Boston and surrounding area’s homeless. The supplies were organized by the students and donated to a local homeless shelter for distribution. The items collected were shampoo, toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant, lotion, soap, lip balm, brushes/combs, socks, lightweight snacks (granola bars), small water bottles, hand sanitizer, scarves/hats/gloves, small first aid kit, and mints/gum.

"Welcome Home" Committee for Medford Veterans

Brooks School third graders Valerie Bzomowski and Carina Lewis are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center of Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They asked Mayor Muccini Burke for her advice for a worthwhile community project. The mayor suggested welcoming home our returning Medford veterans. The girls embraced this idea with open arms. Each month the girls receive a list of the returning Medford veterans. They visit each soldier and welcome them home with an American flag, personally written note, a box of homemade cookies and a big heartfelt thank you.

Little Free Library

Brooks School third graders Lila Graham, Margaret Owens, and Norah Berson are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They are in the process of constructing a Little Free Library for the Brooks School property. The library is a “give a book, take a book” free book exchange. Anyone may take a book or bring a book to share. The wooden box library will undoubtedly bring our community even closer together and allow everyone a chance to share their favorite books. The library is scheduled to have a grand opening in the Spring of 2018.

Boston Children's Hospital Fundraiser

Brooks School fourth graders Anna Schlenker, Kaitlyn Downs, Lila Armit, and Mia Armit are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They organized a fundraiser to benefit the Boston Children’s Hospital. The girls held an amazing bake sale on March 11th at the Running of the Leprechauns 5K Road Race. They sold delicious homemade cupcakes and cookies. The girls sold out of every item and raised a grand total of $232 for the hospital! They had a blast participating and are already talking about doing it again next year.

3D Illusion Crosswalk

Brooks School 4th grader Eric Dobson and his 3rd grade partner are student leaders and members of the Brooks Center of Citizenship and Social Responsibility. They proposed the idea of painting a 3D optical illusion crosswalk near the Brooks Elementary School to Mayor Muccini Burke. The crosswalk painting would appear three dimensional. The striped lines would look like floating blocks in the middle of the road. The painted illusion has been successful at lowing speeds in many other locations. The mayor loved the idea and scheduled them to speak at the February 13th Traffic Commission meeting. The commissions gave them their support and are now in the process of scheduling a meeting with Brooks School’s Principal Galusi to move forward with the project.