About Us


We live in a world with many social issues such as opioid deaths, hatred, prejudice, addiction, bullying, mass murders, climate catastrophes, gender bias, suicide, voting rights, gun control, global warming, pollution, poverty. Many government and private programs attempt to deal with these issues, but most of these programs address the symptoms and not the root cause.

 We believe that K-12 public school education provides us with the most effective place to have a positive impact and influence on students. 

Most traditional public school education is focused on content (academics) and very little on social-emotional learning (SEL).

 In Medford, Massachusetts, we have created an SEL program where K-12 students learn to be responsible global leaders/citizens. To addressThe Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility (CCSR) was established in 2013. The mission of the CCSR is to develop responsible global leaders/citizens that will be positive contributors to society and will work to combat critical social issues listed above and become leaders in our society. We believe that by providing the appropriate learning activities, we can: prevent students from becoming addicted to harmful substances, develop positive self-awareness, encourage teamwork and cooperation, improve self-esteem and develop leadership skills.


We believe that incorporating real-life experiences (PBL) for students to work on projects to help others will positively affect their self-image and understanding. Therefore, the Center works with school administration to develop a system-wide initiative to integrate social-emotional learning, citizenship, resiliency, and social intelligence into the district curriculum and activities.


Over the past four years, over 1500 students have participated in our mini-courses, clubs and activities, and most importantly community projects. We have a district-wide afterschool program that is dedicated to making the community and the world a better place to live. At each school, there is a CCSR advisor who guides students in the development of Project Based Learning activities, individually and in small groups of 2 or 3 students. The student(s) select a project that they believe will help others or make the community a better place to live. A full list and description of the projects can be found on our project page.

Our public education system is the foundation of our democracy and the cauldron of the “melting pot”. We believe that public and private schools must incorporate social-emotional learning, empathy, compassion, and citizenship in school curriculums to develop students leaders will who combat racism, bigotry, and hate. If we fail to do this, we miss an opportunity to have a profound impact on the kind of world that our children will live in.

Student-created projects are the major focus of the CCSR; however, the CCSR also provides SEL support for the school district. We provided motivational speakers such as Dr. Sanjiv Chopra of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Roberts Brooks, a Clinical Psychologist, and Richard Blanco, a renowned poet, who spoke in the Fall of 2019. In addition, when aligned with our mission, we have provided mini-grants for classroom projects, field experiences, and supplies and materials for students, faculty, and staff.

Check out our annual report here.

And check out our publications here.


CCSR Founded

The CCSR is founded in 2013 made possible by a grant of $50,000 from Bloomberg Philanthropies

CSSR Awarded Cummings Grant

In the Spring of 2017, the CCSR is awarded the 100k For 100 Cummings Grant

Krystle Campbell

In the Spring of 2018, the CCSR announced its partnership with the Krystle Campbell Foundation. Read more about it here

CCSR Expands to all schools in Medford

In 2018, the CCSR has expanded to every school in Medford
The CCSR was made possible by an unrestricted donation of $50,000 by Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2012. In 2016, the Cummings Foundation awarded the CCSR with a $100,000 (over three years) grant to continue our mission.

In September of  2018, the CCSR received a donation of $125,000. In August of 2020, an additional $40,000 from the Krystle Campbell Community Betterment Project  Boston Foundation. In May of 2021, the CCSR was awarded a ten-year grant of $350,000 from the Cummings Foundation, which will support student-created projects that will help make the world a better place to live for the next ten years!

Over the past five years, over 2000 students have participated in our mini-courses, clubs, activities, and, most important projects – approximately six hundred students have developed projects that benefit the schools, community, and the world. At each school – high school (and alternative high school), two middle schools, and four elementary schools – a CCSR teacher-advisor guides students in developing Project-Based Learning activities, individually and in small groups of 2 or 3 students. The student(s) select a project that they believe will help others or make the community a better place to live.

 A full list and description of the projects can be found on our project page.

In light of all of the terrible national and worldwide tragedies, we firmly believe teaching children and adolescents how to be empathetic leaders and understand the plight of others are imperative to prevent such tragedies from happening again.

Program Curriculum

Youth empowerment enables students to gain the skills, knowledge, confidence, and resources needed to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, become leaders, and actively participate in their communities and societies. It aims to create an environment where young individuals feel valued, capable, and responsible for driving positive change in their lives and the world around them. To empower students, we need to create an effective learning experience that includes an instructional plan and a multifaceted methodology to develop student leaders who work to make the world a better place. 


Instructional Process Sequence

Create the project – select an issue or concern and design a plan for the project to address it

Expected learning – determine the criteria to assess the value and impact of the project

Complete the project – implement the plan  

Assess the project – rubric or another assessment tool

Analyze the results – determine what worked 


Methodology – Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning (PBL) is a teaching method that allows students to apply their skills and knowledge to address real-world problems. It combines authentic learning with a student-centered approach to increase student engagement and interest. PBL involves students actively working and learning throughout the process of completing the project. Project-based learning (PBL) is an effective teaching method because it allows students to apply the skills and knowledge they are learning to real-world problems and projects. This approach helps students develop a deeper understanding of social issues by actively engaging with them and connecting them to their own experiences.

Additionally, project-based learning encourages students to take ownership of their education by allowing them to design their projects, which can increase their motivation and engagement. Research suggests that group or team projects can improve learning outcomes. In group projects, students can collaborate and share ideas, leading to a deeper understanding of the material and improved critical thinking skills. Team projects also provide students with experience working in a team, an essential skill often valued in the workforce. Group projects can also increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process. It not only allows for a more profound knowledge of content but also improves cognitive functioning and social skills (Stepien, Gallagher, & Workman, 1993), including critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication (Permanasari, Firman, Riandi, & Hamidah, 2017). PBL helps students develop a deeper understanding of social issues by actively engaging with them and connecting to their experiences.

Creating and implementing a project that addresses a social problem can provide students with a sense of purpose and meaning that they believe will positively impact society.

  • Empowerment: creating and implementing a project to address social issues enhances the student’s confidence and ability to make a difference. 
  • Sense of purpose: Working to solve a social problem can provide individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Empowerment: The process of creating a solution can also empower individuals, as they are actively taking steps to address an issue that they care about.
  • Increased self-esteem: successfully addressing a social problem enhances self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Increased motivation: creating a solution can also improve motivation as students work on a project that they are passionate about.
  • Decrease in stress: when students work on a project, they feel a sense of agency and control, decreasing anxiety. 
  • Social connections: collaborating with others to solve a social problem can foster social relationships and lead to new opportunities for collaboration and support.

PBL not only allows for a more profound knowledge of content but also improves cognitive functioning and social skills including critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication (Permanasari, Firman, Riandi, & Hamidah, 2017). The results of a study that compared the traditional teaching model with project-based learning concluded that project-based learning significantly improved students’ learning outcomes and positively contributed to academic achievement, affective attitudes, and thinking skills, especially academic achievement. (Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, Study of the impact of project-based learning on student learning effects: a meta-analysis study by Lu Zhang and Yan Ma). In 2011, a study by Wirkala and Kuhn (American Educational Research Journal) found that PBL was superior when it comes to long-term retention, skill development, and satisfaction of students and teachers, while traditional approaches were more effective for short-term retention as measured by standardized board exams. 


Project-Based Learning Strategies


A critical factor in the teaching-learning process is the degree of student engagement. Student engagement refers to the amount of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion students experience in the learning process, which extends to the motivation they need to learn and progress in their education and life.

According to the National Association of Independent Schools, student engagement involves learning activities that effectively engage students and can have a powerful impact on attaining desired learning outcomes. 

Authentic Learning:

Authentic learning is an instructional approach that allows students to explore, discuss, and meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in contexts that involve real-world problems and projects relevant to them. Research has shown that students who have a personal connection to an issue are more likely to be engaged and active in an activity or project.

Group Learning: 

Group learning, or cooperative learning, is a teaching method where students work together in groups (preferably 3-5) to create and implement a project. It can occur in various settings, including classrooms, outside of classrooms, virtually, and in the workplace. Group projects can also increase student motivation and engagement in the learning process. It is an active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned educational experience.

Mirror Neurons:

Mirror neurons are specialized brain cells that activate when a person acts and observes someone else acting – they mirror behavior and feelings. When someone observes an action, the mirror neurons in their brain activate as if they were performing it themselves. The activation helps people develop empathy and compassion by allowing them to understand how others are feeling instinctively. In addition, they enhance:

  • Imitation Learning – by watching and mimicking others
  • Understanding Actions – they help us understand the intentions behind others’ behaviors.
  • Social Interaction – they facilitate communication and bonding by allowing us to relate to and predict the actions of others.



Research has shown that the combination of employing Engagement, Project-Based Learning, Authentic Learning, Group Learning, and Mirror Neurons has a powerful impact on the education of our young people improving academic performance as well as enhancing critical thinking skills, teamwork and collaboration, leadership skills, compassion, empathy, communication skills, self-management, problem-solving, and decision-making. Perhaps most importantly, this combination enhances self-esteem and self-confidence which are critical elements for personal growth and success in the modern world. 

The CCSR provides an authentic experience for student leaders. They select projects that they believe are important to address locally and globally. The advisors are “guides on the sides” who support and advise the leaders. The authentic selection process has been one of the cornerstones of the CCSR program methodology, along with Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Authentic learning, also known as experiential learning, is a teaching method that focuses on real-world problems. It is effective because it allows students to make connections between the material they are learning and the world around them, which can increase their engagement and motivation. Additionally, authentic learning tasks often require students to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which can help them develop and apply them in other areas of their lives. Additionally, it allows learners to apply the learning in a real-world scenario which makes it more meaningful and relevant to them.

ACEs are traumatic events that occur during childhood or adolescence, such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, and exposure to violence or substance abuse. These experiences can harm a child’s development, behavior, and health outcomes. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: on and Control Division of Violence Prevention skill-based learning is an important part of a comprehensive approach to prevent ACEs. Decades of research show that teaching children and youth skills to handle stress, resolve conflicts, and manage their emotions and behaviors can prevent violent victimization and perpetration, as well as substance misuse, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and teen pregnancy.

After-school programs, like the CCSR, are a way to provide opportunities for youth to strengthen their behavioral, leadership, and academic skills and become involved in positive school and community activities. Mentoring and after-school programs can reduce the prevalence of crime, violence, and other adolescent risk behaviors and pave the way for positive outcomes in adulthood. Evidence Research suggests that mentoring programs improve outcomes across behavioral, social, emotional and academic domains. Other benefits include improvements in academic performance, parent-child and student-teacher relationships, and parental trust. Opportunities to develop and practice leadership, decision-making, self-management, and social problem-solving skills are important components of after-school programs with documented benefits.

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an instructional process in which students gain knowledge, problem-solving, and leadership skills by working for an extended period to investigate and respond to a genuine, engaging, complex issue, problem, or challenge. Since PBL incorporates real-life experiences for students by working to help others, the learning has a lasting positive effect on their self-image, self-confidence, ability to empathize, and understanding of others

– The projects are designed on student learning goals and skills such as critical thinking/problem solving, communication, collaboration, and self-management and focus on a meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer

– Students engage in a rigorous, extended process of finding resources and applying information.

– The project features real-world context, tasks, tools, quality standards, or impact – or speaks to students’ concerns, interests, and issues in their lives.

– Students make essential decisions about the project, including how they work and create.

– Students collaborate – working on a typical goal/project, students learn the importance of teamwork

– Students and teachers reflect on learning, the effectiveness of their inquiry and project activities, the quality of student work, obstacles, and how to overcome them.

– Students give, receive, and use feedback to improve their processes and products.

– Students make their project work public by explaining, displaying, or presenting it to people beyond the classroom

Project-based methodology – Students and staff create projects that culminate with a demonstration of the learning outcome (project). Projects address the need to make the world a better place to live – for a single student, school, group, community, state, country, or the world.

– Promotes empathy, compassion, teamwork, and leadership skills

–  Helps prevent depression, hopelessness, loneliness, anxiety, addiction, etc.

– Improves self-esteem and self-confidence

– Communication skills to effectively communicate with their peers, as well as with other members of the school community

– Organization skills – leaders learn to plan and organize events and activities

– Problem-solving skills – leaders learn to identify and solve problems that arise within their organization or school community.

– Responsiveness – leaders learn to be responsive to the needs and concerns of their peers and be willing to- listen to and consider different perspectives.

-Empathy: Student leaders must be able to understand and relate to the experiences and perspectives of their peers.

The CCSR was awarded a $10,010 grant from the City of Medford Community Fund. These funds will allow the CCSR to offer high school students to attend a two-week summer academy. There will be two sessions for two weeks in July. Upon completion of the session, students will understand the role of a leader, effective leadership, essential leadership skills, and the importance of leadership in social change. The academy will employ the same methodology as the after-school program.



We want our students to be able to act with integrity, respect, and responsibility


Our goal is to foster our students into being responsible citizens in a global society


The student-led projects are an outlet to allow the students themselves to become leaders and provide service to their communities

CCSR Videos

Check out the following videos to learn more about our organization