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Solution to Bathroom Problems

Most of the students at the Missituk school are aware of the problems that have been going on in the bathrooms at school. Inappropriate graffiti is constantly being found, objects like paper towels are being used to clog the toilets, the bathroom floor is often wet and not clean, etc. The CCSR students are exploring possible ideas to try to solve these problems. Here are some of the projects that they would like to work on that could help the issue:

Posters – Annika Blouin and Leilani Jones

These students are creating posters and posting them in bathrooms throughout the school. The posters have simple messages and drawings  to encourage kids to flush the toilet, wash their hands, respect the space, etc.

Hand Dryers – Evelyn Willwerth, Matilda Art, and Sam Carriger

Currently, the school administration decided to eliminate papel towels in the bathrooms to avoid having them on the floor or clogging toilets. Each student takes a paper towel from their classroom to use, but often the towels end up on the floor or trash and they are not being used. 

Evelyn had the idea of installing hand dryers in all the bathrooms in order to eliminate the need for paper towels. They will research options. Students interviewed the custodians to get their input, and they will meet with school administrators next.

Murals – Evelyn Willwerth, Melanie Cytacki, and Sam Carriger

These students are exploring the possibility of painting nice murals in the bathrooms so that students will respect the space more.