McGlynn Middle School Projects
Giraffes Can't Dance
Peer leaders and CCSR members created a lesson plan for elementary students and then presented the lesson to a third grade class. The lesson plan focused on self-esteem and finding the good in yourself. They read the book Giraffes Can’t Dance and led a classroom discussion about the importance of positive self-esteem. Then, they did an arts and crafts activity that had the students list five things they like about themselves and share with the class.
Sticky Notes of Gratitude
These peer leaders and CCSR members researched gratitude and the positive effects of the person feeling it and those receiving it. They brainstormed ideas to bring gratitude into our school community and came up with Sticky Notes of Gratitude. They wrote positive messages on sticky notes and then put a sticky note on every student’s locker. The students enjoyed writing the notes of gratitude and finding one on their locker!
The Strong Women of the Mcgylnn Middle School
Nertha and Tahjanae look up to the female role models at the McGlynn Middle School, their teachers. These girls are young, mature and exploring what it means to be independent thinkers. They’ve had three years watching their female teachers model what it means to be strong women and want to bring their awesomeness to the community! Over the course of the school year, they have met individually with these strong women and had in-depth conversations about what it means to be a strong woman. They are compiling these interviews and creating a book on these inspirational ladies.
CCSR Message Board
McGlynn CCSR members and peer leaders created and maintain the CCSR Message Board. It is displayed where the entire student body will see it. On it you can find inspirational quotes, important notices and dates, working paper information as well as daily birthday wishes!
Good Vibes Show
Manal, Kushi, Kelly, Nertha, Tahjanae and Keshauna feel that watching the news is depressing. There’s so much negativity and so many sad stories about bad events…. They believe in the importance of positivity. As a result, they researched the good that is going on in the community, the country, the world, and they’re reporting it. They are also talking about key issues for adolescents, such as stress, stress management and sharing their own personal strategies for dealing with stress, as well as advice and the art of assertive communication.